DuckRace 2015

The DuckRace is a competition in april in Luxembourg where over 12’000 little yellow Ducks are being thrown into a tiny river – people can buy tickets and ‘sponser’ the Ducks are these are numbered . The event has been a big success in the past years and – for instance – last year in total 60’000€ were remitted to three charitable organisations.

It is a big pleasure for us to announce that Together as One has been selected as one of the beneficiaries of the DuckRace 2015. This means that Together as One will be awarded around EUR 15’000,- and EUR 20’000,-

Thanks to the expected funds, we will have the initial capital to be able to start the production of a poultryfarm. To ensure the important protein intake for the children at our orphanages, we have now invested in a piece of land of about one acre where there is already a poultryfarm of about 300 sqm. The poultryfarm has not been in use the last year but is in good condition and only needs a small refurbishment before it is ready to be put back into use. The poultryfarm has the capacity to receive 3,000 hens which will generate enough protein for the both orphanages and the school as well. We should be able to use both the eggs and the meat. Our aim is to maximize the production so the excess can be sold on the local market, which then can contribute to long-term self-sufficiency for both orphanages and our school as well.

We are so grateful!

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